A Unicorn Nursery

Creating a nursery to care for baby unicorns Could we create a nursery to care for baby unicorns? Doubtful. The unicorn designation is granted to businesses that hit a huge financial milestone. It’s near impossible to predict which startup has the potential to scale to that size. And some startups, by the nature of the […]

How entrepreneurial is your campus?

Map out the co-curricular entrepreneurship activities and events offered on your campus. Here are a few different ways of looking at the campus: How many student clubs are centered around entrepreneurship or being a business owner?How often does an entrepreneur speak on campus about their startups or business?Are the entrepreneurship activities and events open to […]

How entrepreneurial is your curriculum?

Tally the entrepreneurship classes offered on your campus. Here are a few different ways of looking at the curriculum: Identify which classes have entrepreneurships as the primary focus, and which include entrepreneurship as a secondary element.How many classes are offered every semester or every year?How many classes are available to students during their first year?How […]

What’s the value of customer discovery?

What’s the value of customer discovery? Every serial entrepreneur I’ve ever talked to (except Sanjay) recognizes the value of customer discovery. (We’ll talk about Sanjay later.) My buddy Jeff declared: If we had spent the first three months doing discovery, we would have known what to spend money on. Yes, exactly. Three assets the entrepreneur […]

So, if we don’t teach students to pitch, what should we teach them?

So, if we don’t teach students to pitch, what should we teach them? I’ve said before the we shouldn’t spend time teaching students to pitch. Pitching is a high-stakes game at best and an exercise in futility for most. But we should teach students to present. Isn’t pitching the same as presenting? No. Pitching is […]

More on “Should we teach undergrads to seek investment?”

I was talking with a buddy of mine over burritos, and the ethics of encouraging undergrads to seek investment. My point is that it is high risk behavior – and the risks are seldom well understood. Jeff nodded and mulled it over. “Think of it like this,” I said, dipping a chip into the fresh […]